Useful resources
We have placed here several very useful documents that you can download by clicking the links provided.
Good to Remember
Bullet points to help understand what your child's behaviour is saying
Helpful tips for parents
Tips to assist with attachment focused parenting
Helpful_Tips_for_Parenting.docx ​
What is PACCE?
Rabbit story for when children may use dissociation as a coping strategy
Gail has written a story which can be read by parents to their child to help them understand why they might act in different ways at different times.
Information for school's from the child's perspective
Useful Information For Schools From The Child's Perspective
School resource
This can be a helpful document for school to read
A foster carer's perspective of DDP
Statement from a Foster Carer who has received Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) Intervention
Insightful perspective for adoptive parents
Welcome to Holland . A way of understanding the loss of a dream
Re-framing behaviour for schools
This document can be very useful for school to reframe the behaviour they are seeing
Dan Hughes words of wisdom
A simple yet very effective visual overview of what children with attachment issues need from the master himself Dan Hughes
Dan Siegel's flow chart to help understand the brain
A simple flow chart from Dan Siegel to help understand the brain
A tale for relationships
A lovely story about relationships
"Hear what I am NOT saying"
From an adopted dad
Trauma Burps