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We specialise in working with children, young people and families, but also provide counselling for adults

Evaluation forms for Children

Private and Confidential
We would like to know how helpful your meetings with your counsellor have been. It would really help us if you would fill these in!

If you are filling this form for the first time please select

Child’s Initial Evaluation

If you have filled in Child’s Initial Evaluation form before please select

Child’s Mid-Therapy Evaluation

If this is the end of the child’s therapy please select

End of Therapy Evaluation

Evaluation forms for Individuals

Private and Confidential
In order to help us evaluate the counselling service we need your feedback. Your answers will be treated confidentially and you do not have to give your name.


If you are filling this form for the first time please select

Initial Evaluation

If you have filled in an Initial Evaluation form before please select

Mid-Therapy Evaluation

If this is the end of your therapy please select

End of Therapy Evaluation